Valuation committee
First: Formation of the Committee and its Functions:
The evaluation committee is formed in accordance with the provisions of Article (6) of Law No. 33 of 64 regarding expropriation and temporary appropriation for the public benefit and its amendments, which states:
At the Expropriation Department for the public benefit, a committee called “Valuation Committee” shall be formed whose chairman, deputy and members are appointed for a period of two years by a decision of the Council of Ministers based on the proposal of the Minister of Finance, provided that the number of its members does not exceed eleven members representing technical, legal and real estate expertise from all the governorates of Kuwait.
Her specialties:
((...... This committee is concerned with estimating the corresponding compensation for expropriation or temporary appropriation, guided by the prevailing price in the area in which the real estate, real estate or land expropriated or temporarily seized, as well as the prices and rent of real estate in neighboring areas or the same as It is concerned with estimating the value of the real estate presented to it in implementation of the provisions of the laws, which are guided in this by the aforementioned bases) (Article 6) amended.
Validity of its meeting:
((The committee’s meetings and deliberations are confidential, and its meeting is valid in the presence of the majority of the members)) (Article 7) of the decree. The committee may convene outside official working hours and on official holidays at the request of the Minister of Finance.